Thursday 20 January 2011

writing a story from a sentence

In the lesson today we were given the opening sentence and had to think of a story out of this, i found this to be a use full exercise as it helped to think about our openings of films and how we can change them, to make them less predictable. Also to give us ideas for our own openings. This was my idea;

This scene will be silent, with no music; so it can focus on the women's heavy breathing, to increase the drama and suspense. The shots will also be fast pasted to emphasis the urgency.

A women is desperately dialling a number in a public phone box, she looks panicked as the call goes to voicemail... She quickly looks around, chucks the phone down and takes her heels off. She slowly walks out of the phone box and shouts help as loud as she can; but there is nobody there. She suddenly falls to the floor, still breathing heavily. Suddenly we hear her scream extremely loudly. The camera moves down and to reveal to the audience that the women is heavily pregnant and in the process of giving birth.

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