Friday 28 January 2011

First stage of audience research

I went out at lunch time around the school, interviewing thirty individuals. ( 5 adults, 7 sixth form students and 18 main school children).  I asked each of them the following questions;

Who do you normally go the cinema with?
How often do you go to the cinema?
What is your favourite genre?
What was the last film you saw?
What do your parents do for a living/ what is your job?

From this the key points i found were....

* 80% of Main school children tend to go to the cinema with their parents , where as 99% of sixth form students go with their friends and boy/girl friends

* 75% of girls said that they like to watch romantic and comedy films but the boys said they liked comedy and action. 0% of boys said they like romantic films, although i did not follow my question up and ask if they would watch them. Although 30% of boys said they go to the cinema with girls or their girlfriends, meaning it's highly likely they would go and watch a romantic film with them.

* 50% of people said that the last film they saw was Harry Potter, this is a adventure, fantasy, romantic film.  The other 45% said they watched 'Meet the Fockers'.

* 85% of people go the cinema once a month, 13% going more often.

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