Thursday 7 April 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

By doing this process i have learnt how to use several different types of technology.

Internet website i used, included: 

Blogger  was the internet forum in which we created our own blogs and kept record of our research and planning for our openings, we also posted about the process of our openings, evidence and the evaluation. was also a big help for me to research information and gather pictures for posts such as ideal actors and information about other films like mine. This was a particular help when i was planning for my presentation in which i pitched my idea to a group of people. was also aided me as i initially used it to research and look at many other film openings in order to think and created my own idea. I also used it to put my audience research and finished video to then transfer it onto my blog and to also get feedback from other youtube users. This was the first time i had used youtube for uploading videos. was the website i used for the music for my opening, i used this site as it gave the copyright to the music on the condition that you used there name in your opening. It took me a while to work out how to look at the music i wanted on the site as there was so many and alot were very inappropriate. Once i found the music i used, i knew it was perfect and fitted my video well. The process was easy as i just had to click download and then on iMovie import it from iTunes.  

Software i have used,included: 

iMovie is the software i used to create my opening two minutes, the preliminary task and to gather all of my audience research together. I used me to gather my footage together, edit the footage, add effects and transitions and add the music and voice over over the top of the footage.
iTunes is where i uploaded my music too and then transferred it to iMovie. 

Word is the software i used to create all the documents, such as my moodboard and logo.

Equiptment i used, included: 

Camecorder i used to film my audience research, preliminary task and my finished film. This was the first time i had proffessionally used a camera and used a tripod to get a steady shot.

Tripod i used this piece of equiptment to create a steady shot and to create the shots that i want to get. I found this hard at first, when i was trying to create a big high as i had to move all the part to the same level so it wasn't wonky and i was trying to do this as quickly as possible.

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