Wednesday 27 April 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 My preliminary task was a task to learn how to operate a camera and put together, crop and edit footage that i have recorded, from this process i have learnt and improved alot. My Perliminary task consisted of a girl walking through the door sitting down and a few pieces of dialogue, although i did enjoy this process it did not increase my ability or help me to understand what i could potentially do. There was some dialogue amongst the shots but no added sound or music, although in my finished video i added a music track from an unknown unsigned artist in order to increase the tention and create a more emotional opening and microphoned voice over onto my video. I also did not use any effects or transitions throughout the preliminary video, although on the other hand in my video i have used transitions throughout, such as a dissolve from the GCSE results to the NHS letter, I also used the effect of colour palette to darken the shots when the boy is older to show a clearer difference of time to make it clearer for the audience that it is Michael at 16 and then again at 22. I also concentrated on mise en scene in my film as i was unaware and didn't have enough knowledge of this before hand, therefore i tried to include as many connotations as possible. Putting everything into perspective although my preliminary task was a great stepping stone in helping me to understand the using the equiptment, producing my video i have had to take into consideration alot of aspects to make my video more than a piece of footage but a highly rated video in which i hope it is.

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