Wednesday 27 April 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

My film will attract my target audience as i conducted a survey and went around speaking to my target to gage what they wanted from my opening film. I found that girls in the age range of 14-24 liked drama films and romantic. Therefore i have created a drama genres film with romance running through it, later on in the film. I have used boys aged around the same age as my target audience so they can relate and become emotionally attached to the characters as this is another thing i found that girls would go to the cinema if there is a 'good looking,hansome' guy as the main character. They also liked to see the main role to be a man so they could feel some passion and love towards this character, which can also lead the film to become a great success!  This is the aim of my film to play on the audiences heart strings and force them to feel emotion for Michael as if a person watches a film and becomes emotionally attached and possible cry then they will remember the film and therefore go out to buy it. I also found that 80% liked to be slowly introduced to the film but to be introduced to the characters and told what was going on. Although the other 20% wanted something to be left until the end. Other films such as my sisters Keeper a great success have a similar structure.  Which is where the romantic, relationship and saving of life will come later on in the film. Bethany Clark age 17 said the best part of the opening was being left not knowing what was going to happen afterwards making you want to watch the rest. Also the setting is in a school and in a park therefore it is relatable  to the audience, forcing the audicence to relate and become more attached to the audience.

I have taken on board the comments from each stage of my audience research and have tried to fit where is possible the feedback into my video to make it what the audience want, resulting in them wanting to watch and buy my film.

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