Thursday 31 March 2011


Tone needs to be strong willed and a positive view, showing the boy having a open mind. I didnt want the voice over to be sad and depressing as i didn't think it would fit the film, especially as the music gave it a sad feel as it was. 

(Voice over) 

" It's amazing how naive you are as a child, that moment i thought was the worst in my life and could potentially be the most life destroying news. How wrong i was,  the 20th of August did turn out to be the worst in my life. My GCSE'S were actually suprising good, my teachers all told me that i had a promising and successful life ahead of me. 

Ironically the doctor said the same thing but not the way i expected . I had just found out that i had Leukemia and it needed to be treated straight away. As a sixteen year old boy how are you suppose to react, go off the rales, start taking drugs and alcahol or  be brave and work through it. 

My life was never the same after that day from being a bully i turned into the bullied, every step i took somebody would be (pause) staring, giggling or laughing but i soldiered on and beat it and them . So here i am still alive, but back to square one. 20th august 2011 the doctor says those words that nobody wants to hear..

(longer pause) 

 im so sorry to tell you that the Leukemia has returned, we have no other choice but to perform a bone marrow translant but we need to find a donar. 

(change of tone - lighter, determined feel) 

So today is the beginning of my new life, a new Micheal and a man.

yellow highlight is for the words that need to be stressed 
- Underlined words, sentences that needed to be slower and pronouced well as they are vital to the understading of the dialogue. 

Tuesday 29 March 2011


After getting my nearly finished cut of my opening two minutes, i have noticed that there are quite a few long gaps, where there is no dialogue. Therefore i have changed my mind and decided to add music ito my video. To do this i went onto Jamendo, a music site, full of free music that you can download for free and have the copyright as long as you credit the artist. ( The song is Autumn Prelude by Zero-project).  I have found the perfect piece of music for my piece and added it, under the voice over and in the gaps. I feel this makes my video alot better as it really portrays the message i am trying to get across and the audience become a lot more emotionally attached and fills the gaps to make it alot more interesting when there is no dialogue. I then added the name of the artist to my opening credits.  Other class members have watched my opening and have given me really good feedback, especially mentioning the music working well! 

Monday 21 March 2011

Story board

Second day of filming

Second day of filming was a complete success!
I managed to do all of the filming i needed to.
I started at my old high school, using the hall with my mum and brother as actors and some friends in the background. I got a good range of shots, although after looking back there is a few i would have liked to re do but was pushed for time and showed my non experience with cameras as alot of shots were wonky. I then went to the park with both of my male actors playing the park of Michael. Here i took as many diverse shots and different angles as i could and believe i got some really good footage. The actors listened to my direction and did exactly what i wanted them too and pulled it off well and thankfully it did not rain! The difference i made here was once i had filmed a shot i stopped and watched it before moving on. I then completed three takes of my voice over using both actors to see when the footage is put together which works best. After doing this i feel alot more confident and pleased with my end product.

Release forms

I will use the following release forms when conducting my short film production and research

Location Release Form
I hereby give consent for the following property Long Stratton High school to be used in the filming of (Michael)  by Lauren Knights During the period of (dates) 21st March 2011


Image Release Form
I hereby give consent for my image to be used as an on screen performer in the filming of (Michael) by Lauren Knights. During the period of 21st March 2011


This is a letter i have made for the younger boy to hold when he is sitting ont he swing, revealing his results of the Leaukemia test.

First stages of filming

My first day of filming was a disaster!
I began by going to my old high school to film as this is my location for the picking up of GCSE results. Although due to meetings i was unable to film as i needed to have a particular teacher present. Although we have therefore rescheduled for monday 21st.

Second day of filming, me and my actor went to the park to film some shots on the swing but as it was a sunny day the park was very busy and was not able to fim either.  Although i then decided to make the most of the weather and filmed some weather and cut away shots, that may be useful between the changing of scenes.

Monday 21st i have arranged with the locations and actors to film the whole of my footage, ready to edit on Tuesday.

Thursday 17 March 2011

ideal actors

These are two examples of ideal actors, they are the right age range and it is believable that they are the same person but different ages, this is what i am looking for with my actors, i want it to be beliveable that they could be the same person as other wise the audience will not take not follow the story and feel the emotion of the characters.

Therefore, i have chosen my actors.
This is a picture of the actor i will be using for the younger boy and the older boy.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Location Research

I have searched on google earth, lots of parks around my local area and around norfolk. After my research i have decided that this is the best park,these are some pictures of the park location  i will use for my opening two minutes. I think this will be a good location as it's a nice open space with good facilities, The equiptment is in good condition so will make my film look more proffessional and of high quality. This park inparticular is good as it is not often busy so i will have my own freedom and will not be preventing anybody from using the swings.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

To do ..                                                     Date 

Audience Research                                      4th March
Voiceover recording                                   12th March
Filming in the park                                     12th March
Filming the results pick up                           8th March
Editing                                                  12-25th March
Music                                                           8th March
Research and Planning                                 5th March