Tuesday 1 February 2011


MICHAEL SCOTT (28) is sitting on a swing, reminiscing on his life. A flashback to Michael as a child shows him playing happily in the park, laughing without a care in the world. Over the top is Michael as a man as a voice over.  He talks about when he was little, he was a popular happy go lucky child, although he had Leukemia. Flash backing we see him aged five, in hospital.  At high school, we see Michael being  severely lonely and being bullied by all the other boys at school. We are then shown Michael aged around 13, in hospital. Michael is seen applying for university and being declined due to his illness, the universities do not think it is the best route for him, as they don't feel they can support him and they don't feel that he will cope with the pressures of uni. He is then in hospital aged 16. Michael is seen in a sequences of different shots of Michael applying for multiple jobs and being declined for all of them, although he is actually very intelligent. Michael is then seen at the hospital aged 19. Michael is sitting on his bed, curled up in ball crying, with the voice over explaining his feelings at this time, how miserable he was and was on the verge of ending his life. Michael is then in hospital again, aged 27, he is in for his usual check up but on his way out bumps into a nurse that he has never met before, causing the content of her bag to go flying, he quickly reacts by apologising and throwing her objects back into her bag before helping her up off the floor. As they catch eye, Sarah recognises Michael, by exclaiming his name and reminding him of who she is. He then remembers and there is a flash back to when they were 16 and she helped him to wipe the eggs off him that the bullies had chucked at him. She then exclaims that she has to be at work, but gives him her number. Stephen and Sarah go on a first date at a classy restaurant, eating, chatting and laughing; just like when he a child, the last time he was can remember being this truly happy. Michael and Sarah go on several more dates and start to have a relationship, this is shown through a quick sequence of clips form these dates. Michael and Sarah get married and are living happily until we see Michael at the hospital getting devastating news that he will only live if he gets immediate bone marrow. Sarah and Michael are both laying in hospital beds, with the voice over talking about how Sarah had saved his life by giving him the bone marrow.

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