Sunday 20 February 2011

New plan


(starts at the end)
Michael scott (20) sitting on a swing in a recreational park thinking and remenising. He will be the main character and voice over for the rest of the film. The next shot will be off him ased 16 picking up his GCSE certificates talking about that day in his life and the effect it had on him as a person now as the was told that he has Leukemia, he had a bone marrow transplant but his Leukemia has now returned. (as in original idea, this is when he meet the girl and she saves his life ext..  in the rest of the story)

In Detail 

Begins with the man sitting on the swing, holding a piece of paper (although we dont see what it is)  - music over the top. (voice over begins) Fades to the floor and brings it up onto the younger Michael walking towards a lady sitting at a desk. He will then say 'Michael Scott' and she will hand him the paper, he will then show his GCSE certificates which is change into the letter from the doctors, then the boy will start walking (camera from his point of view) going to sit on the swing and then a weather shot, before the credits appear.


(Certificate giver) "Michael Scott"

(Voice over) " It's amazing how naive you are as a child, that moment i thought was the worst in my life and could potentially be the most life destroying news. How wrong i was,  the 20th of August did turn out to be the worst in my life. My GCSE'S were actually suprising good, my teachers all told me that i had a promising and successful life ahead of me. Ironically the doctor said the same thing but not the way i expected . I had just found out that i had Leukemia and it needed to be treated straight away. As a sixteen year old boy how are you suppose to react, go off the rales, start taking drugs and alcahol or  be brave and work through it. My life was never the same after that day from being a bully i turned into the bullied, every step i took somebody would be staring, giggling or laughing but i soldiered on and beat it and them . So here i am still alive, but back to square one. 20th august 2011 the doctor says those words that nobody wants to hear.. im so sorry to tell you that the Leukemia has returned, we have no other choice but to perform a bone marrow translant but we need to find a donar. So today is the beginning of my new life, a new Micheal and a man.

Thursday 10 February 2011

What do i need to think about?

Location - The location that i will be using will be Long stratton recreational park, i will also be using a school, either Longstratton high or Wymondham high.

Actors - I will be using a man aged 28 and a boy aged 15 (My brother)
I will also need a group of people to act as other students picking up thier gcse results and a lady to give out the certificate. 

I also need to find a deep 'manly' voice to use as my voice over

props -  Table, box, folders, paper and pen 

Production company

My production name is going to be Knight Productions
As it is relevent to my name, works well and sounds good.

On publisher i have been creating my logo,
as the word night has two different meanings, i want to make it relevant to both. Therefore the K i have made stand out and be different so that you can read it as Knight or night.
I have created the K out of a sword (relevant to a Knight)  and a moon (relevant to night) and then have written night productions next to it, following the grey colour theme. I have then added three stars at the bottom to break the colour up.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


Genre of my film

* Genre means 'type' or 'kind' in french
* Genre can be referred to in many different forms, such as literature, film or theater 
* We can identify and understand our genre through it's key themes and concerns or the narrative
* Genre functions like a language like a language - a set of rules that are organised for meaning
* Genre works between industry and audience

My genre is Drama,
It is a drama as it follows a persons life and the drama that evolves and changes over time.  In drama films you typically think that something is going to happen and there will be a twist to shock the audience at one point in the film. my film follows this as it is revealed to the audience that the boy has Leukemia and they are shocked with the problems that he faces. Although their is romance in my film it is not a key feature as it is not the focus of the film and only contributes a small part to my film.

After looking at the genre of drama i have seen that their are lots of different parts to drama, my film conforms to Melodrama, as it is focused around a boy with a particular illness and "heightens the emotion of the audience."  

Monday 7 February 2011


Good points

- The best pitch by far
- Good use of powerpoint
- An actual pitch, covered all the criteria required
- Lots of potential
- Very keen and enthusiastic
- Seemed confident

Bad points

- Lost confidence in idea as questions were asked
- A bit too much text on powerpoint, better to have headings which you expand on in your presentation
- Needed more research into Leukemia/ illness - poor detail
- You say "This type of film has never been done before. It is based on 'My Sisters Keeper' and 'Love Actually'" - Bit of a contradiction?
- Not the most original of ideas

Thursday 3 February 2011

Research into Leukemia

Definition of leukemia: Cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of blood cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream

In 2000, approximately 256,000 children and adults around the world developed some form of leukemia, and 209,000 died from it. About 90% of all leukemias are diagnosed in adults.

Treatments include: Most are treated with pharmaceutical medications,  Some are also treated with radiation therapy. In some cases, a bone marrow transplant.

Symptoms:  feeling sick, having fevers, chills, night sweats and other flu-like symptoms, fatigued. Some  nausea or a feeling of fullness due to an enlarged liver and spleen; weight loss and headaches can occur.

Approximately 10.9% were diagnosed under age 20
Five-year relative survival by race and sex was: 54.6% for white men

More children than ever are surviving childhood cancer. Over the last 30 years, survival into adulthood increased from 30 percent to 80 percent.
Today, about 85 percent of children with ALL live five years or more.

children 1 to 9 years old have higher survival rates than do infants or older children. However, factors such as age and white blood cell count at diagnosis are, at best, crude predictors of outcome.

Scientists know that ALL in children occurs slightly more often in boys than in girls and in white children more often than in black children.

Why would they need bone marrow?
The first is when the cancer itself has injured the bone marrow. BMT and PBSCT are commonly used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. The second circumstance is when a treatment requires such large doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy that the child's bone marrow is damaged during treatment.

I have also been on NCI information Specialist live help  chat site and have asked questions

Evaluation of my presentation

I think my presentation had its strong and weak  points, my presentation seemed to work well, with the main points on the board and myself talking to expand on these, as the 'senior proffessionals' could look at the points and listen to me explain them.  I did feel like i was repeating myself ab it and maybe didn't explain so me points as well as i possible could have done. They were very slip in what they thought about my idea and how successfully they thought it would be. The main issue that arises was that i hadn't thought through my idea and researched Leukemia well enough, as it is unlikely that the boy would have it when he was a little boy and still have it at the age of twenty eight. Although they did like the idea of my opening, they thought it needed slightly changing. We had a little discussion and thought about possible changes; such as: instead of having little children playing a park, i could have a teenager picking up his GCSE results after recently being diagnosed and still have the narration over the top talking about how people treat him differently ext.. This could work well as it will appeal more to my target audience as it  is based around a boy of the particular age.  Another idea was to possible focus on the bullying aspect and make the boy be a bully, until he becomes diagnosed and then changes the way he treats people and show him being bullied. To focus on the message that everyone is the same and should be treated the same, also to focus on the issue of bullying. I agreed with them on this and am currently thinking about which way will work best to change my film.  Another issue that arised was that it was still quite similar to My sisters keeper, so i should think about what makes it different? and how i could emphasis the difference? The only answer i could reply was that in my film it will be based around the romance aspect and love, although on reflection i think i could make it different by focusssing on the bullying aspect. I think this exercise was very usefull and worthwhile in doing as it has made me open my eyes to the fine detail and to realise that i need to do more specific research to improve my film, make it more unique and different so that my target audience would want to go and see it and has given me good experience at doing a media presentation.

Preperation for my presentation

My preparation consisted of, looking at my audience research and making some conclusions from my results. I then produced a PowerPoint presentation, taking into consideration all of the questions that i was going to be asked. On my PowerPoint i make brief notes on the main points i was going to talk and below made speakers notes for myself.  I then practiced my presentation to a friend and got them to ask me the questions. I also went onto the internet and researched how much gross my inspirational films will make. (love actually - £152,231,308 and my sisters keeper - £58,974,486)

Tuesday 1 February 2011


MICHAEL SCOTT (28) is sitting on a swing, reminiscing on his life. A flashback to Michael as a child shows him playing happily in the park, laughing without a care in the world. Over the top is Michael as a man as a voice over.  He talks about when he was little, he was a popular happy go lucky child, although he had Leukemia. Flash backing we see him aged five, in hospital.  At high school, we see Michael being  severely lonely and being bullied by all the other boys at school. We are then shown Michael aged around 13, in hospital. Michael is seen applying for university and being declined due to his illness, the universities do not think it is the best route for him, as they don't feel they can support him and they don't feel that he will cope with the pressures of uni. He is then in hospital aged 16. Michael is seen in a sequences of different shots of Michael applying for multiple jobs and being declined for all of them, although he is actually very intelligent. Michael is then seen at the hospital aged 19. Michael is sitting on his bed, curled up in ball crying, with the voice over explaining his feelings at this time, how miserable he was and was on the verge of ending his life. Michael is then in hospital again, aged 27, he is in for his usual check up but on his way out bumps into a nurse that he has never met before, causing the content of her bag to go flying, he quickly reacts by apologising and throwing her objects back into her bag before helping her up off the floor. As they catch eye, Sarah recognises Michael, by exclaiming his name and reminding him of who she is. He then remembers and there is a flash back to when they were 16 and she helped him to wipe the eggs off him that the bullies had chucked at him. She then exclaims that she has to be at work, but gives him her number. Stephen and Sarah go on a first date at a classy restaurant, eating, chatting and laughing; just like when he a child, the last time he was can remember being this truly happy. Michael and Sarah go on several more dates and start to have a relationship, this is shown through a quick sequence of clips form these dates. Michael and Sarah get married and are living happily until we see Michael at the hospital getting devastating news that he will only live if he gets immediate bone marrow. Sarah and Michael are both laying in hospital beds, with the voice over talking about how Sarah had saved his life by giving him the bone marrow.

Preliminary task